With a fiery liftoff, Space Shuttle Atlantis roars off the launch pad for a rendezvous with the International Space Station on mission STS-115. After launch attempts were scrubbed Aug. 27 and 29 and Sept. 3 and 8 due to weather and technical concerns, this launch was executed perfectly. During the STS-115 mission, Atlantis' astronauts will deliver and install the 17.5-ton, bus-sized P3/P4 integrated truss segment on the station. The girder-like truss includes a set of giant solar arrays, batteries and associated electronics and will provide one-fourth of the total power-generation capability for the completed station. STS-115 is scheduled to last 11 days.
Image credit: NASA/Dennis Sabo
С пламенным стартом, Шаттл Атлантида ревет на стартовой площадке для встречи с Международной Космической станцией на STS миссии 115. После того, как попытки запуска 27 и 29 авг. и 3 и 8 сентября из-за погоды и технических проблем были отложены, этот запуск был выполнен чисто. В течение STS 115 миссий, астронавты Атлантиды поставят и установят 17.5 тонных, P3/P4 размера агрегатов. Они включают ряд гигантских солнечных батарей и электроники, это обеспечит окончание сборки станции на одну четверть от плана. STS 115, как намечают, будет длиться 11 дней.
МАСОНО-ЖИДОВСКИЙ ШАБАШ!! Приветствую Всех на Не-официальной страничке Масоно-Жида Гурина Максима. ;-)) Здравствуйте!! Никто не знает кто такие жидо-масоны, тем более никто не знает кто-же такие - масоно-жиды, я тоже вам не скажу как не просите. Это самая большая мировая тайна. (Зеркало: http://blogurin.wordpress.com)
10 September, 2006
04 September, 2006
Cicciolina has offered to Osama...
55-years Italian pornostar Cicciolina has suggested 48-years terrorist Osama to the bin Laden to surrender to world{global} justice and to stop the activity. For it it{she} has promised to be given it{him}. Addressing to participants of the Bucharest fair of a sensuality, the actress who, apparently, is tired from feebleness of a world{global} antiterrorist coalition has declared: " it would Be time already to somebody to something to make with the bin Laden, and I am ready to make it ", informs NEWSru.com.
As "it{this}" Cicciolina understands it. " I am ready to strike a bargain. It{he} can take me, in exchange for the termination{discontinuance} of the tyranny. My breasts always only helped{assisted} people while on hands of the bin Laden blood of thousand innocent victims ", - has declared Cicciolina.
Pornostar Cicciolinа has advised the terrorist to think and look at Saddam Hussein's example to which Cicciolina already did{made} the similar offer in 90 properly. The Iraq leader has not obeyed, and has terminated, as is known, badly. Osama bin Laden who on different data disappears either in Afghanistan, or in Pakistan while the answer has not given.
The star of a classical Italian pornography - Cicciolina - some kind of is unique. Its{her} present{true} name Ilona Shtaller. It{she} was born in Hungary in Budapest. Its{her} reception father was the official of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Mother - the midwife. In 1964 it{she} has started to work in the Budapest modelling agency.
Later the parlourmaid in the central hotel of Budapest has got a job. By its{her} own words, it{she} supplied Hungarian KGB with the information on the American diplomatic workers lived in hotel. It{she} received this information, closely communicating with foreigners.
In the beginning 70 it marries the Italian and moves to Italy. Here its{her} career in show business also begins. It{she} works on radio where receives pseudonym La Cicciolina (that is translated from Italian as "embrace"). Then it starts to be removed in erotic films. Its{her} breast became the first which in the naked{exposed} kind have shown on the Italian TV. It has occured{happened} in 1978 during one of television shows of telechannel RAI.
The first pornographic film with its{her} participation leaves in 1983. Has finished career in pornoibdustry Cicciolina in 1989. It is interesting, that shootings in pornofilms never stirred{prevented}, and can and helped{assisted} an active social life of an actress. Since 1979 it{she} takes part{participates} in a political life of Italy. In different years it{she} worked in a party{set} "green" and a radical party{set}, actively protested against the introduction of Italy in NATO and developments of atomic engineering.
In 1987 it{her} even have selected{elected} in national parliament where it{she} has fulfilled all put term on a post of the deputy. In 1990 before the beginning of the conflict in Persian gulf in exchange for refusal of war Cicciolina has offered the love to Saddam Hussein. Now Cicciolina continues an active sociopolitical life in Italy and Hungary, and also to write down music.
02 September, 2006
More than 3000 rockets, in everyone of 20...40 kg here such balls.
Israel and on war does not lose a human face! And Nasralla? - No, it not probably to compare. They are hidden for (for backs) of peace inhabitants!
В память о друге - Хмырёк! In memory of the friend!
Хорёк, звать - Хмырёк Иванович.
It ferret, the name for it - Khmyrek Ivanovich.
Khmyrek Ivanovich - It nice russian name! Khmyrek, also Khmyr' - The nick. Khmyrek - It is built from a " Khmyr' " (Rus) nickname of people - The person which pry into the forbidden places and behaves as the detective.
Этот Хорёк, -Хмырёк Иванович попал ко мне в 2-3 летнем возрасте в не очень хорошем состоянии - пришлось его отобрать у "людей" так как он был весь измученный и голодный (Люди "заботились о нём хорошо"!). Старичёк прожил почти 5-лет в "Развитом социализме" или "В коммунизме с человеческим лицом!"- как хотите, он был всегда сыт и доволен, умер от старости и был похоронен со всеми почестями в своём столь любимом домике-квартирке! Вечная память другу и дай Б-г чтобы среди людей были б такие же верные товарищи.
Khmyr' - Has got to me at 2-3 years age in not so good condition - it was necessary to take away it from "people" as it was all exhausted and hungry. Owners scoffed at it and did not feed. The old man has lived almost 5-years in " the Developed socialism " or " In communism with a human face! ". It was always full and happy, has died of an old age and has been buried with all honours in the so favourite small house - an apartment! Eternal memory to the friend also give the God that among people there would be same true comrades.
Обстрел Хайфы насральником. Война, лето, 2006 год. Bombardment of Haifa by Nasralla. War, summer, 2006.
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